For the following events on Friday we already have confirmed descriptions:
- Breaking the Ice – an introduction workshop , Antonija Stojanovic
- Comic Workshop „Blind Date“ , Helena Janečić, Maja Marković
- “Eastern Europe for dummies” , Rheta
- “Gay or not gay?” , Piotr Armianovsky
- “Good as you” & LGBTQ rights in Russia , Yulia Tyapicheva, Svetlana Barsukova
- Human Shape , Musical performance of Ludska Podoba
- „In the name of the father” (antiprayer) + workshop , Veda Popovici
- Information about the queer: from fanzines to newspapers , Anna Sivakova
- Is/how mass emancipation is possible in the context where feminism is demonized and marginalized so much that it can not be a resource for majority of women? , Tamara Zlobina
- Queer Migration / Let´s sing, paint, dance Queer Migration – Kvir Migracija / Pjevati, crtati, plesati kvir migraciju , Vlatka Frketić, Helga Hofbauer
- Stencils for every day. Quick art-activism strategy , M!kaela
- ToBe.Queer , Ana Lok and Katerina Bo
Please be patient as the rest of the descriptions will be updated as soon as we have them confirmed by the organizers of the events.