Permanent Embrace (presentation of foto series)

Tasja Zhyvkova, artivist, curator, translator

permanent embrace

In focus of my attention were female backs and shoulders constricted by bra-straps, peering from open tops and dresses.

The series targets reluctance of Ukrainian women to refuse from wearing bras at least for some time. Our patriarchal society forces on women balancing between  “barbie” and “berehynya” – object of desire and keeper of hearth. So that ukrainians feel they have to wear bras permanently, from teenagehood up to advanced years despite health risks, proven by recent studies. They do not dare to challenge the patriarchal norm because of fear of criticism and unwanted attention towards unchained breasts and unmasked nipples.

The strapes, straining female bodies make me sigh and smile at the same  time.

Invitation politix: open to all